Saturday, December 10, 2011

How do you set up At&t uverse internet connection on a nintendo DSi?

I went on the nintendo help support website and looked up my router (2wire). I tried everything and I still can't get it to connect. I was hoping someone could help me out.

Thanks in advance.|||I'm not sure about the DSi, but I can tell you the Nintendo DS and 2Wire modems have some minor issues connecting via DHCP, the DS has a mini IP stack, doesn't send things quite as it should, and the 2Wire doesn't accomidate for the DS.

Basically what you want to do is bring up a list of wireless networks on your DSi, look for one that has the last 3 of your home portal's SN in it (Look on the back of it).

When you try to connect, it'll ask for a keycode/passphrase. It should be 10 numbers right down below the SN on it, should have brackets/parenthathese on both sides, or it'll be labeled wireless keycode or wep keycode...something like that. Put those 10 numbers in it.

When you connect, if automatic (dhcp) doesn't work you need to manually assign a static IP address onto the DSi.

Try giving it an IP of say

Default gateway of

DNS servers

subnet mask of

Now that should get you to connect. Now if you have further problems, I would suggest contacting uverse support, not 2Wire. The first tier of Uverse support may not know what they're doing, if you have issues, ask to speak to the second level support, mentioning that this is an issue with the 2Wire firmware should help. At the very least they should be able to verify the information I provided.

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